Program: The Seventh Day Discussion Series
Hi everyone, if you are reading this on the Sabbath, then I’d like to wish you a glorious Sabbath rest!
Last week, I reviewed, The Seventh Day, a five part documentary about how keeping the fourth commandment, the 7th day of rest, has been preserved, worldwide, throughout the history of mankind.
There is a discussion series that was made about The Seventh Day documentary. The presenter, Pastor Dwight Nelson, interviews the Executive Producer
Pat Arrabito and James (Jim) Wood, the Writer. It’s in five parts, as it discusses each part of the five part documentary. It gives extensive and supplementary information for the documentary. I found the discussion series really interesting, encouraging and inspirational.
There were some key points about how Sabbath keeping was not revamped at a point in time, for example around the 1800s. Neither was it rediscovered by a specific denomination. This wonderful discussion series sheds extra light on the documentary, concerning how God has preserved His Word through individual people - all kinds of people and places like India, China and Ethiopia came up in the discussion. Sabbath keeping has been preserved on a worldwide basis.
There were also some very interesting facts about the man the Irish call, Saint Patrick, who apparently wasn’t even from Ireland - we get great information about the actual Patrick and how he fits into the picture.
There was a verse from Matthew 24:19 that I thought was part of the future, just before Jesus returns, however, this verse was mentioned in regards to the destruction of Jerusalem in the past - so that was interesting and something I will definitely be studying more.
This five part discussion series is filled with historic information that couldn’t be put into the documentary due to various reasons, time being the main one. There are also lots of tidbits of information which the discussion panel does stress is undocumented, but worth mentioning anyway. There seems no stone left unturned here. We hear Pat’s powerful testimony about how the idea for the documentary started and her personal challenges along the way. Both Pat and Jim give a lot of behind the scenes and historic information - it’s all a testimony to the powerful reminder that our Creator is the almighty God, whose Word is eternal and preserved by Him.
At the end, Pastor Dwight Nelson, gives an encouraging message to those watching.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this discussion series, have already watched it a few times and will no doubt watch it and the actual documentary several times more. There is just so much rich information in addition to personal testimonies, biblical references - all within the context of recognizing the power of our Creator and Heavenly Father and the sacrifice of our Messiah - Jesus Christ. Last but not least - the discussion series and the documentary point to the gift of hope we have, when we accept the gift of salvation. No matter what is going on in our present - God has promised a future that no mind can imagine.
1 Corinthians 2:9 - But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”
The discussion series can be found on the link below, which has the documentary in many languages.
You can also purchase or view the documentary via
The production company also provides the following link for extensive information about the Sabbath:
Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.