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Review: Creation Astronomy - Vol 3: Our Created Universe

Hi everyone, if you are reading this on the Sabbath, then I’d like to wish you a peaceful and prayed-filled Sabbath.

True to the Word is continuing with our science thread for our program reviews. It truly is a joy to watch them to learn about God’s creation and worship Him, for His works and character. So please join me, as I review Creation Astronomy Vol 3, by Spike Psarris. If you have seen the twelve part series, The Heavens Declare, then you will recognize Spike, as he was one of the guest speakers in that series. In the Creation Astronomy series, Spike Psarris looks at the same topic from a different angle. Instead of presenting what secular scientists want us to believe, Spike presents what they are not telling us and why.

This episode is called: What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy: Volume 3: Our Created Universe.

Spike has a wonderful introduction, centered around the question, “Why are we here?” This leads to an introduction of how good the Big Bang model actually is. I like how Spike points out that even some Christians have been fooled into thinking God used the Big Bang to create everything.

We get a recap on how the Big Bang model fits with what is observed in the universe and how it can’t account for star formation. I really like how Spike recaps within each episode, because there is a lot of information. Even so, his presentation is clear. concise and engaging, throughout the entire episode. He is matter of fact, yet informal, with some humour now and again - excellent presentation skills! I like how he doesn’t try to capture the attention of his audience, but what he says, and how it is presented captures your attention, the entire time.

Spike asks, “Is the Big Bang good science?”

He includes words like natural and supernatural which are key in his presentation.

We get a very good overview of how the distance of galaxies are measured. Spike talks about, red shifted light, light elements and radiation. He goes on to explain how these measurements are related to the Big Bang theory.

I really like how Spike explains the initial Big Bang theory of nothing exploding and creating everything. He then goes into great detail about why this doesn’t make sense. Of course the average person already knows you can’t create something from nothing. however, since secular scientists use this as an explanation for the Big Bang, Spike explains the science and logic behind the theory. He also looks at the progression in the secular scientist community of substituting nothing with something, and the pitfalls of their newest explanation.

It’s tempting to laugh at the supposed logic of secular scientists, because it is so ridiculous, but of course, it is no laughing matter when I think about:

  • How many people have been misguided into believing a lie and will spend an eternity separated from their Creator

  • What Jesus did on the cross for all humanity

Mocking the Lord or completely dismissing Him and His works is no joke and if I remember correctly, Spike makes a comment about the ridiculous statements of secular science being no joke, even though it appeared very silly.

Spike goes on to deliver more engaging evidence of how the big bang violates the fundamental law of physics. He also talks in depth about predictions made by the Big Bang scientists that have failed and how secular science creates things and events that have never been observed, proven or found, in order to make the Big Bang model seem true. Make sure you watch the section about the multiverse theory, as in - infinite parallel universes, according to secular science - another theory that cannot be proved, disproved or investigated.

There is a fascinating section on how precise the Big Bang would have to have been in order for the universe to exist, let alone be as fine tuned as it is. This is a must see - it’s simply unbelievable how secular scientists can look right at the obvious, yet deny the obvious.

Spike concludes the episode with five reasons why the Big Bang theory is anti-science. This is an excellent section and although the theories by secular science have probably really tested your patience by this point, as they really are beyond silly, it’s good to hang in there, to be aware of this misguided information.

Spike rounds off with a section about atheism, again, very well presented. He gives a beautiful reminder of creation and the plan of salvation.

All the volumes are very well done, but I think Volume 3 is my favourite one so far. I say so far, because there are more videos to come. Praise the Lord!

It is a sheer delight to watch programs by God fearing people who are practicing real science - observing the works of the Lord and looking to Him to reveal His works. I am reminded of Exodus 15:11, Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

Program source: and Spike Psarris’ website



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