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Series Review: The Incredible Journey - Daniel (Ep2)

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with prayers and deep faith that Jesus will make you ready for His return.

This week’s review is for the six-part series - The Incredible Journey - Daniel, hosted by Gary Kent.  These episodes are so detailed, that I will bring you a review for one episode at a time.


Episode 2 - The Hand That Guides the Future

Does God really exist? And if He does, do you think He really pays much attention as we hurtle through space on a little blue planet? Or is He more like an absentee landlord who started the planet spinning a long time ago - and then just forgot about us? Well, an ancient king's amazing dream gives startling evidence for the existence of God and proves that not only does He notice us; but His hand is still steering history towards one incredible final event.

Using the Word of God as its guide, this episode is filled with hope of the next major event in Earth’s history, based on the prophecy found in Daniel chapter two.  But first, this episode gives us a condensed account of world history - kingdoms that have come and gone, no matter how powerful they seemed, they are a thing of the past.  I really like how Gary Kent, used the Bible to find the answer to why past and recent kingdoms have failed, even though with some of them, everything seemed to be in their favour. 

The Bible is lifted up in its accuracy and authority, with verses like Daniel 2:43 which states that there will not be another leader that unites Europe - the kingdoms will remain divided.  The Bible says: 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

Gary Kent reminds us how far we have come in the journey, and what is next to come, based on the amazing prophecy in Daniel chapter two.

He also gives us two powerful Bible verses that remind us of the great hope we have in Jesus Christ and His second coming.

When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.  Matthew 25:31

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. Revelation 21:3

Gary Kent’s presentation of episode two is summed up by two things he says: It’s almost over.  We’re almost there.  Praise the LORD!

The second episode of the Incredible Journey is based on the second chapter in Daniel, so be sure to read that chapter alongside the video.

I am looking forward to bringing you a review of Episode 3.

Thank you for listening to this review.  Until next time, peace be with you.


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True to the Word podcast link:




There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

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Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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