Series Review: The Incredible Journey - Daniel (Ep4)
If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Christ-centered Sabbath.
This week’s review is for the six-part series - The Incredible Journey - Daniel, hosted by Gary Kent. These episodes are so detailed, that I will bring you a review for one episode at a time.
A short note about my previous podcast on episode 3. The visual and audio for that episode did not match the episode title, Faith in the Flames. However, the English subtitles were correct, which is why I was still able to review episode three for this podcast. I sent a message to RedeemTV, who promptly replied that the problem had been corrected. I look forward to watching episode three again, as it is well worth a repeat, especially since the video and audio problem is fixed. Good job, RedeemTV!
Episode 4 - The King Who Ate Grass
Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest King on earth. He had every reason to be proud of his achievements. He ruled over the biggest empire the world had ever seen, from his palaces in the most beautiful city in the world: Babylon. And he had built it himself. This is the story of his struggle to accept that he wasn't the centre of the universe and that the true God was in control. It climaxes with the King in a field eating grass like a cow, completely mad. But it has a good ending. This story helps us reflect on how God has worked throughout our lives to reveal himself to us and helps us reflect where we are on this very special journey called life.
Gary Kent does a very good job at showing us the choice we have between trusting in secular humanism (essentially ourselves) or the God of the universe. Gary explains in detail the outcome of these choices, by using the life of King Nebuchadnezzar as an example. He also gives a modern day example, just to make sure a clear parallel is illustrated between self obsession a few thousand years ago and our modern time.
This episode takes the age old sin of pride and shows that no matter when we were born or how much money we have, it takes over and separates us from our God who loves us with an unfailing love that we find hard to comprehend.
Maybe that lack of comprehension can cause doubt for a lot of people - but the account of King Nebuchadnezzar and what God is willing to do in our lives today, shows us that God’s love is relentless and true.
Gary asks a reflective question: How has God been working in your life? The answer to that question is a lot of podcast episodes in itself!
I really like how Gary points out how God loves us individually with great patience. I can testify to that. After spending many years rejecting God, He spoke to me in powerful ways over a span of about six years, before I finally gave my life to Him, through my faith in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
The fourth episode of the Incredible Journey is all about the choice we make on how to live our lives: Through the secular world, or through the word of God - the Bible. If the Bible - then our lives ought to reflect that Jesus Christ is at the centre of our lives, directing our paths, every day, until Christ returns to take us to the Heavenly Kingdom.
Episode four is based on chapter four in the book of Daniel.
I am looking forward to bringing you a review of Episode 5.
Thank you for reading this review. Until next time, peace be with you.
Thumbnail and program source
True to the Word podcast link: