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The Order of Rights

Which is produced by James Ball and written by James Ball and Richard Cutting

The Plot

The Order of Rights centers around Emma Stein, a pregnant single girl who has been advised by her mother to have an abortion. Despite the objection of the child's young Christian father, Ethan Carpenter, and his promise to help her, she decides to go ahead with the procedure. When Ethan and his family file a lawsuit on behalf of the child's right to life, the drama escalates as Emma's mother, Kerri, contacts a friend in the Associated Press. Before long, the case is mired in media frenzy. The court has to decide whether the child in Emma's womb is a person or not, and if so, if it is endowed with the unalienable rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. The title, "Order of Rights" refers to the order in which the categories of rights are deliberately listed in the document: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

Review Questions

Does the plot glorify God? The plot mentions that the father who is fighting the case is Christian. The sixth commandment of God, is, “You shall not murder”.

Does the film content glorify God through His Word: Use of Bible verses and adhere to His commandments?

  • The Christian lawyer said the baby had a God given right to life

  • Amazing Grace is played during the end credits

Promotes God as the only God

  • Ethan’s parents contact their prayer chain when he tells them his girlfriend wants an abortion.

  • A Christian lawyer is invited to speak at a church and explains why he pursued fighting for unborn children. He felt God pointed him in that direction. He said it was our responsibility as disciples of Christ to speak life in a culture of death.

Honours parents or refrains from promoting dishonour of parents?

  • Ethan’s relationship with his mother and father shows how much he honoured his parents. Shortly after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant, he confided in them and was open for their advice and support.

Speak against murder or refrain from promoting murder?

  • The analogy at the start of the film, concerning the conversation between lawyers at the trial of Roe v Wade, and the comparison to the 14th ammendment there was a clear conclusion that if it could be proved that an unborn child was a person, then abortion was murder.

  • We see two different doctors. One who approaches the situation with the mindset that the baby is not human, and is a problem to be fixed. This doctor regarded abortion as the right decision, giving the young woman two months to think about it. This time frame gave no regard to the development of the baby in that time. The other doctor said he could not refer the young woman to an abortion clinic. His focus was on her nutrition and appointment with a clinic to monitor the baby’s development. The choices he suggested was to either keep or adopt the baby.

Speak against adultery or or refrain from promoting adultery?

  • The mother and father talked about their difficult life before they came to their faith, which involved adultery.

What Christian standards does the film convey?

Scripture alone

  • Ethan’s girlfriend’s testified in court that she was confused and frightened. This made me think of the Word of God - we have clear lines that tell us the will of the Lord and what law we need to obey - this law is to protect us and others. If Ethan’s girlfriend had the Bible at the centre of her life - if she had faith, then she would not have been confused and the Lord would have comforted her, through the Holy Spirit, when she was afraid.

Salvation through Christ alone (does not promote good works)

  • Ethan’s mum’s testimony about coming to the Lord, then bringing the good news to his father

Biblical marriage

  • We see two different families. One with a single mother, who has multiple intimate partners, encouraging her daughter to have intimacy before marriage, and the other, a family of faith, where the son knows that intimacy before marriage is wrong.

Husband as the head in his home and the local church

  • Difference between the two families: One family of faith with the man as the head of the household, and a family with a single mother who is bitter against men.

Recognition of the value of life and blessing in children

  • Difference between the two families. One family who has faith recognizes the blessing in children and another family, based on humanitarianism, has a mother that cares more about the rights of adults and animals than unborn children.

  • Ethan’s parents reaction when he tells them his girlfriend is pregnant. They are not worried about what people think. They just wanted to support him and they were honest about their own struggles before they were married. Even though they were concerned about the situation, they recognized the blessing in a new life.

  • Ethan’s girlfriend’s reaction to the pictures in the art exhibition, showing a depiction of Mary and Jesus.

Recognition of the body as the temple of God

  • The film depicted the Christian family fighting for the right of an unborn child. Realizing that God has a plan for everyone.

  • The film shows how in the secular world there is emphasis on the mother’s body and rights, but no focus on baby’s right to live.

  • Ethan’s conversation with his Christian coach about the predicament he was in. His coach explained that God forgives but there are still consequences when we sin.

Does the film give glory and honour and thanks to God?

  • The Christian lawyer’s speech about why he pursued a career in fighting for the unborn child gave glory to God, as he said he felt led by the Lord.

What Reflections Did I Have?

The film made me reflect in the security we have in the Law of God. His Law is just and perfect.

Would I change anything about the film?

  • Ethan said being intimate was wrong, but he didn’t say why and he didn’t talk about his faith to his girlfriend.

  • There were no Bible quotes or references to the law of God regarding murder - I wonder why as there were many opportunities to include Bible verses.


Order of Rights focuses on the law of God, to not murder, without specifying the commandment. Although the word of God was not referenced during the film, prayer played a significant part in Ethan’s parent’s fight for their unborn grandchild’s life.

Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

Resource Information

Film Source: iTunes

Source for film thumbnail:

NB! The links I reference for my films is the source I used, but it is not an endorsement of the entire film streaming company. I am sure this particular film can be found on various digital streaming companies.

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There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

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1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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